About Me
My name is Maya and I have developed my skills in Scenography since I finished high school in Dresden, Germany, where we moved from California in my early childhood. I apprenticed at two theaters, helping stage designers with drawings and model making, interned at three Architecture and Scenography offices where I worked on project from concept development to the finished product.
My strength lies in developing my ideas through quick sketches and expanding upon them to shape overarching concepts. My favorite aspect of this work comes when I immerse myself in a project wholeheartedly. One hopes for the moments when the adrenaline rushes in - when the pieces of the idea all fit together. Ultimately, the experience comes full circle when I can observe how people react to or interact with the project.
I am enthusiastically involved in projects and I am accustomed to concentrated work within a set timeframe. I know everybody says this, but teamwork really is very important to me. I like to develop concepts in dialogue and discussions with others. Talking with others about an idea and possibly defending it in a brainstorming session proves if the idea is worth pursuing.
4, February 1993 in Berkeley CA. USA
Nationality: German, American
Residence: Switzerland since 2014
2014-2018. Bachelor Spacial Design and Scenography,
Schule für Gestaltung FHNW Basel, Schweiz.
05.2017. Bartenbach Lichtsymposium, Innsbruck
2012-2013. Vorkurs / Design Propedeuticum, Schule für
Gestaltung Basel, Schweiz.
2011. Abitur. Kreuzgymnasium. Dresden, Deutschland.
Work Experience
Technische Universität Dresden. Architektur Department
October - März 2019-20 Lecturer in Design Fundamentals
1. Semester, Interior Design and Scenography 5. & 7.
GroenlandBasel. Basel
August - May 2016-17. Internship in the Architecture and
Atelier Brückner. Stuttgart
January - June 2014. Internship in the Exhibition-Design and
Scenography Department.
Atelier Markgraph. Frankfurt
October - December 2013. Internship in the Graphic Department.
Technische Universität Dresden. Architecture Department
Fall 2013. Planning and teaching a weekend-intensive
Bookbinding course (with Anne Sevenich).
Landesbühnen Sachsen. Dresden
November 2011-12. Assistant to the Stagedesiger, Stefan Wiel.
Production of Hänsel and Gretel: Costume, Stagedesign,
Modelmaking and Props.
Theater der Jungen Generation Sachsen. Dresden
2011-12. Assistant to the Stagedesiger, Ulrike Kunze.
Production of The Barber of Sevilla: Costume, Stagedesign,
Modelmaking and Props.
Dresden International School. Dresden
2010-2012. Summer Language Camp: Teacher. Two week
English lessons in a day camp for Children from 6-12 years.
Development of lessons plans.
Bilingual in English and German; French (7 years Gymnasium).